Senate Vote to Extend Moratorium on Medicare Sequester is Right and Necessary Step to Protect Healthcare Access, Quality

Healthcare Leadership Council President: Significant Medicare Cuts Would Be Disastrous While COVID-19 Pressures Persist

WASHINGTON – A U.S. Senate vote yesterday to maintain a moratorium for the remainder of 2021 on scheduled Medicare payment cuts will provide significant help to healthcare providers continuing to face financial pressures as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the president of the Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC) said.

Under federal law, healthcare providers in the Medicare program are subject to a two percent sequestration cut each year. Congress had previously placed a moratorium on the reduction, but that delay is scheduled to end on March 31. The bipartisan Senate vote follows an earlier House vote to extend the moratorium for the remainder of the calendar year.

“This is a vital vote for hospitals, physicians, nursing homes and the communities they serve,” said HLC president Mary R. Grealy. “If this moratorium is not extended, healthcare providers will be facing billions of dollars in cuts at a time they can least afford it. The need to care for COVID-19 patients and impact of stay-at-home and social distancing practices have continued to significantly affect provider revenues. We look forward to the House and Senate expeditiously reconciling their versions of the bill and sending it to President Biden for his signature.”

The Healthcare Leadership Council had actively advocated for an extension of the Medicare sequestration moratorium.





For Immediate Release
March 26, 2021
Contact: Kelly Fernandez  202-449-3452