Statement by HLC President Mary R. Grealy on the U.S. Senate’s Confirmation of Dr. Robert Califf as FDA Commissioner

The Healthcare Leadership Council enthusiastically applauds the U.S. Senate’s bipartisan vote today to confirm Dr. Robert Califf as commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration. Given the importance of medical innovation in these challenging times, it is essential to have a Senate-confirmed commissioner in place to lead the FDA.

The nomination of Dr. Califf was a prudent choice on the part of President Biden. He brings to the job a wealth of prior experience from his previous tenure at the agency and he is a nationally-renowned leader in the effort to strengthen the nation’s clinical trial infrastructure, a major priority for the FDA and the biopharmaceutical and medical technology industries.

As the drive continues to develop new vaccines, cures and treatments, not only for COVID-19 and its variants but also for the many chronic and infectious diseases that continue to shorten and diminish too many lives, the nation is fortunate to have someone with Dr. Califf’s expertise and stellar track record of accomplishment at the helm of this vital agency.



For Immediate Release
February 09, 2022
Contact: Kelly Fernandez  202-449-3452