Statement by Mary R. Grealy, President, Healthcare Leadership Council on the “Keep Up the Rates” Vaccination Campaign

Our nation’s health and well-being are being placed at great risk not only from the coronavirus, but also from the ripple effects of this pandemic. In this time of social distancing, too many Americans are foregoing essential preventive healthcare, including routine vaccinations. This phenomenon can enable serious infectious diseases to gain a foothold in our communities and compound the public health threat we’re already facing from COVID-19.

The Healthcare Leadership Council, an alliance of innovative companies from all healthcare sectors, is proud to be a part of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases’ “Keep Up the Rates” national campaign. This multimedia initiative will remind the American people of the essential value and necessity of routine vaccinations and the danger we face as a society if individuals do not protect themselves, their loved ones, and their communities.

Not only can we pursue the dual goals of combating COVID-19 and protecting our collective health against other infectious illnesses, we must.  The Healthcare Leadership Council is fully committed to supporting this effort and delivering the message that staying current on vaccinations is a responsibility we all share and from which we all benefit.


For Immediate Release
August 11, 2020

Contact:  Kelly Fernandez