Statement by Mary R. Grealy, President, Healthcare Leadership Council on the Supreme Court’s King v. Burwell Decision

The good news coming out of the Court’s decision today is that over six million Americans in 34 states are not facing the risk of losing affordable healthcare coverage.  Similarly, the individual health insurance marketplace is not in danger of the destabilization that would accompany an elimination of health insurance subsidies.

Today’s decision must not, however, be interpreted as an end to the dialogue over healthcare policy in this country and the need to improve the Affordable Care Act.  In recent days, the U.S. House of Representatives has passed two important pieces of legislation, to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board and to eliminate the excise tax on medical devices.  These should be the initial steps in a continuing bipartisan effort to protect and expand healthcare access and elevate healthcare quality and value.

We look forward to working with Congress and the executive branch in pursuing our shared goals for a healthcare system that is accessible, affordable, innovative, patient-centered and constantly improving.