Wearable Device Webinar Focuses on Employee Health

imageThe Healthcare Leadership Council hosted a webinar on June 17 focused on how wearable device can transform population health, as demonstrated by successful investments being made in employee health. Guest experts from BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee (BCBST), Cleveland Clinic and McKesson highlighted the success of their wellness programs, establishing that wearable technologies which track physical activity and connect to a personal online profile are making a positive difference.

According to Kera Smith of BCBST, the culture established by an employer is key to performance. An organization that creates an atmosphere that encourages healthy behavior leads to employees that are more actively engaged in wellness programs. BCBST links its pedometer program to incentives and has tracked 1.4 billion steps this year.
David Pauer described Cleveland Clinic’s wellness programs for health plan members. The Clinic has distributed over 24,000 devices to monitor physical activity and Pauer said that people are walking their way to lower premiums. An additional element, he said, that improves support within the program is the inclusion of spouses, ensuring that healthy behaviors are likely to continue even when people leave the workplace.

Gerri Burruel of McKesson announced that the company’s current employee engagement with pedometers is over 70 percent. Incentives work, she stated, citing that McKesson’s Healthy Challenges program significantly increased wearable device usage. Looking to the future, Burruel discussed the possibility of device capabilities expanding to better assist individuals in their wellness journey.