May 16, 2014
As those who follow the issue know, there was a great deal of activity in the first quarter of this year regarding the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit. The … Continued
April 16, 2014
Every year in April there is a day specifically set aside to discuss advance planning. National Healthcare Decisions Day – today, April 16 — focuses on educating individuals on the … Continued
April 7, 2014
Wing of Zock is the blog for faculty, students, administrators and other stakeholders connected to medical schools and academic teaching hospitals. Recently, the blog carried a post that I think … Continued
April 2, 2014
Mere hours after Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI), the chairman of the House Budget Committee, released his budget proposal containing a Medicare reform concept that would give beneficiaries a choice of … Continued
March 11, 2014
If I had the ability to make anything required reading for the powers that be in Washington, D.C., it would be Dr. Marc Grodman’s blog post on The Hill’s website. … Continued
March 6, 2014
As policymakers look for ways to address Medicare’s financial challenges and make the program more cost-efficient, it’s inevitable that the discussion will turn at some point to end-of-life care. And … Continued
February 19, 2014
In a town that thrives on disagreement, there is a stunning degree of unanimity around the idea that the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is moving in the … Continued
January 31, 2014
Last year, the book “Best Care Anywhere: Why VA Health Care Would Work Better for Everyone” entered its third printing. The book tells of a Veterans Administration healthcare system that, … Continued
January 7, 2014
Let’s give credit to “Meet the Press” for choosing to address healthcare in its January 5 installment by turning to actual health industry leaders instead of the usual Washington, D.C. … Continued
December 22, 2013
Posting a summary of the remarks offered by one of its recent featured speakers, the secretary-treasurer of the National Union of Healthcare Workers, the National Press Club headlined its synopsis … Continued
Kelly Fernandez
(202) 449-3452