
Eli Lilly CEO: Four Keys to Spur Innovation

April 23, 2012

In a Forbes commentary, Eli Lilly and Company CEO John Lechleiter underscores the need for new medicines and medical technologies to provide better healthcare to our aging society.  While U.S. … Continued

Just the Facts…..Please

April 10, 2012

Today, I saw an argument in support of the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) – the 15-member board of political appointees with unprecedented power to reduce Medicare expenditures – that … Continued

Better Care for Dual Eligibles

April 4, 2012

When you examine the rising costs in our healthcare system, an important starting point is the care required by the so-called dual eligibles, those Americans who are eligible for both … Continued

The Overlooked Mandate Issue

March 30, 2012

While the U.S. Supreme Court was hearing oral arguments this week on the constitutionality of the individual mandate provisions of the Affordable Care Act, another serious concern about the mandate … Continued

A Capitol Hill Briefing on Wellness

March 22, 2012

There is broad agreement that one of the keys to achieving a sustainable, cost-effective healthcare system is to emphasize wellness and disease prevention.  After all, with 75 cents of every … Continued

What the Washington Post Gets Right…And Wrong

March 19, 2012

In this morning’s editorial, “This Cost-Cutting Reform Deserves a Chance,” the Washington Post paints opposition to the Independent Payment Advisory Board as largely political, or parochial, in nature.  Republicans, the … Continued

Why Our Emergency Rooms Will Be More Crowded

March 14, 2012

There was a disturbing juxtaposition of news items this week. First, the Congressional Budget Office came out with new forecasts showing that, under health reform, the number of Americans enrolled … Continued

A Technological Answer to Healthcare Cost, Workforce Issues

March 8, 2012

We’re all concerned about how our healthcare workforces will keep up with an increasing patient population.  Not only is Medicare growing at the rate of 7,500 new beneficiaries per day, … Continued

More on IPAB

March 2, 2012

Following the House Energy and Commerce health subcommittee’s 17-5 bipartisan vote on Wednesday to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), there has been some important commentary on the issue … Continued

Diagnosing IPAB as a Bad Concept

February 28, 2012

Tomorrow (Wednesday, Feb. 29), the House Energy and Commerce health subcommittee is scheduled to vote on legislation that would repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB).  IPAB is the provision … Continued