
The Flawed Logic of Brute Force

June 23, 2011

Today’s recommended reading is a column, if you haven’t seen it already, is a column in the  Washington Post by Geoff Colvin, a senior editor-at-large for Fortune Magazine, headlined, “Why … Continued

Desperate to Diminish “D”

June 16, 2011

There is a concerted effort taking place right now among pundits and bloggers on the left to demonstrate that the success of the Medicare Part D prescription drug program is … Continued

The Theoretical Bad-to-Worse Roadmap

June 13, 2011

There is a growing consensus in health policy circles that the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), a provision of the Affordable Care Act, is an ill-conceived idea.  Empowering 15 unelected … Continued

Yes, Virginia (and 49 other states) There is Healthcare Reform Beyond the Beltway

June 9, 2011

It’s easy to get so caught up in the battle over whatever healthcare legislation is before Congress, or the newest set of regulations to come out of the departments and … Continued

Oversimplification to the Point of Distortion

June 3, 2011

There was an interesting court case in Alexandria, Virginia this week.  It seems that a personal injury attorney from Maryland had established a creative relationship with a Virginia chiropractor.  The … Continued

Can a New York Congressional Race Affect Medicare’s Future?

May 26, 2011

The Capitol Hill publication Politico had an interesting headline this morning.  It read, “Is Any Medicare Reform Political Suicide?”  That’s a natural question to ask, given the fact that the … Continued

Congresswoman Schwartz Wins USA Today Face-Off

May 24, 2011

It wasn’t a head-to-head battle, as such, but Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz (D-PA) squared off against the USA Today editorial board yesterday on the subject of the Independent Payment Advisory Board … Continued

Vermont and The Road Less Traveled

May 13, 2011

When it comes to health policy, all eyes seem to be cast toward New England these days.   The high-profile issue this week is Mitt Romney’s defense of the health reform … Continued

The Week’s Most Interesting Healthcare Reading (that you might have missed)

May 6, 2011

With the front pages focused on foreign policy and national security of late, there have been a number of interesting health-related stories that may have skipped your attention.  Here are … Continued

Medicare Reform Not Always a Partisan Issue

May 2, 2011

At this moment, there appear to be few issues that elicit has much partisan rhetoric as Medicare reform.  Ever since Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI) released the House Republicans’ 2012 budget … Continued