
Is Mandatory Participation in Medicare Demonstrations Necessary?

May 25, 2022

Recently, Health Affairs Forefront, published a post by Dan L. Crippen, former director of the Congressional Budget Office and currently a Healthcare Leaddership Council consultant, that should be a catalyst … Continued

Americans Deserve the Full Truth About Medicare-For-All and its Ramifications for their Healthcare

May 4, 2022

So much of the nation’s discussion about the Medicare-for-all concept takes place through a political prism.  It’s important, though, to fully understand what such a drastic change to our healthcare … Continued

Are We There Yet? Measuring Industry-Wide Interoperability

April 14, 2022

I was pleased to provide a summary of Surescripts’ interoperability panel in Orlando for the Intelligence in Action blog. I have provided a copy below, without the accompanying graphics. You … Continued

HIMSS 2022: What’s in Store

February 8, 2022

The HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition is approaching quickly. This year it takes place March 14-18 in Orlando, Florida. A price increase will go into effect on February 14, … Continued

Prescription E-Labels are Past Due

November 30, 2021

Now decades into the digital age, most tasks can be completed electronically – ordering food, booking appointments, transferring funds, and even signing contracts. In the healthcare world, medical records and … Continued

The Parallel Roads of Representation and Access

October 28, 2021

Guest post by: Dana Dornsife, Founder and CEO, Lazarex Cancer Foundation There are many avenues to addressing health disparities, an essential health policy objective. To determine the most appropriate strategies, … Continued

Understanding State Laws for Interchangeable Biosimilars

October 15, 2021

An important development in the biopharmaceutical world, with significant ramifications for patients, is the progress being made on biosimilars.  These are products with the same safety and efficacy as FDA-approved … Continued

Lawmakers Have a Drug Pricing Solution Right in Front of Them

October 4, 2021

As Congress continues to deliberate on drug pricing proposals that many would call extreme, even radical – empowering the federal government to set prices instead of having prices negotiated in … Continued

The Problematic Push to Slow Medicare Advantage’s Positive Health Impact

September 23, 2021

In the complex deliberations on Capitol Hill to assemble a social spending package that can pass both houses, one of the prominent proposals being discussed is the expansion of Medicare … Continued

Technological Solutions for Vaccine Credentialing Critical to Nation’s Progress

September 20, 2021

Proof of COVID-19 vaccination has become, it’s an understatement to say, a political hot button issue across the country.  Nonetheless, as more private employers insist that their workforces be vaccinated … Continued