
Documenting the Better Care, Lower Cost Advantages of Medicare Advantage

September 3, 2015

A study published in this month’s edition of the American Journal of Managed Care brings hard data to an argument many of us have been making for some time, that … Continued

Using Consumer Choice to Drive Value in Medicare’s Next Half-Century

August 6, 2015

This summer, the nation has observed the 50-year anniversary of the Medicare program.  As we focus on Medicare’s next half-century and how we can ensure high-quality, accessible and affordable healthcare … Continued

The “Talk to Each Other” Challenge for Healthcare

June 30, 2015

There is an excellent read in the Wall Street Journal today from Susan DeVore, the President and CEO of the Premier, Inc. alliance of 3,000 community hospitals throughout the country.  … Continued

A Wise Withdrawal on Altering Medicare Part D

May 21, 2015

This morning, the House Energy and Commerce Committee voted unanimously – a rare event in these fractious political times – to send its 21st Century Cures legislation to the full … Continued

The Exciting Movement Toward “Person-Centered Care”

May 20, 2015

American healthcare is evolving in ways that are both beneficial and necessary.  With an imperative to move toward a healthcare system that offers both high quality and cost-efficiency, the answer … Continued

The Short-Term Thinking on Medicare That Can Cause Long-Term Problems

May 7, 2015

It was very encouraging, to say the least, when Republicans and Democrats in Congress worked together this spring to pass legislation bringing much-needed reform to the Medicare physician payment system.  … Continued

Why the Roe-Sanchez Bill Matters

May 6, 2015

Thanks to the healthcare industry’s success in containing per-capita Medicare cost increases, it’s easy to make the case that there’s no urgency to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB).  … Continued

Dr. Murthy’s Mission

May 1, 2015

Last week, Dr. Vivek Murthy, the new U.S. Surgeon General was officially sworn into office.  In his speech to the ceremony attendees, Dr. Murthy described his mission for a stronger … Continued

Where is Your Advance Directive?

April 16, 2015

Today is National Healthcare Decisions Day and, with it, a discussion revolving around end of life care and decision making. The Institute of Medicine recently published a report entitled “Dying … Continued

The Congressional Budget Debate and Its Potential Impact on American Seniors

March 25, 2015

This is the time of year in which the President, the U.S. Senate and House engage in a debate over the federal budget for the coming fiscal year.  This is … Continued