
The Congressional Budget Debate and Its Potential Impact on American Seniors

March 25, 2015

This is the time of year in which the President, the U.S. Senate and House engage in a debate over the federal budget for the coming fiscal year.  This is … Continued

The Lasting Resonance of a Summit on Health Care Value

March 18, 2015

On March 2, the Healthcare Leadership Council, as part of its National Dialogue for Healthcare Innovation (NDHI) initiative, brought together over 70 leaders from organizations and institutions that design, implement … Continued

A Health Provider’s Perspective on King v Burwell

March 4, 2015

With the U.S. Supreme Court having heard arguments earlier today on King v Burwell, the case that will determine whether the federal government can continue to provide health insurance subsidies … Continued

Medicare Advantage and Lessons for Healthcare’s Future

February 5, 2015

(The following post is co-authored by Mary Grealy, President of the Healthcare Leadership Council, and Don Crane, President and CEO of CAPG) As healthcare policymakers continue to seek to incentivize … Continued

Important Movement on Data Sharing

February 2, 2015

Recently the Institute of Medicine released a report on sharing clinical trial data.  This report comes at an opportune time, when talk of health information technology, interoperability and big data … Continued

“They Want to See The Evidence”

January 28, 2015

I guess it shouldn’t be surprising that a television news program would give a complex topic like the nation’s healthcare system a treatment that could be described as, well, glib. … Continued

The Employment Aspect of the Medicaid Debate

January 20, 2015

There has been plenty of discussion about the health coverage gap between the states that have expanded Medicaid eligibility and the 23 states that have, thus far, declined to do … Continued

Washington’s Inaccurate Way with Words

December 11, 2014

In assembling the so-called “CRomnibus” legislation that will set federal government spending levels until September 2015, U.S. House of Representatives appropriators have included language in the measure that would significantly … Continued

Policymaking That Releases the Brake on Innovation

December 5, 2014

I want to bring to your attention an op-ed piece that appeared on the Government Health IT website this week because it goes right to the heart of the issues … Continued

Put This on the End-of-Year To Do List

November 17, 2014

There are not high expectations for this lame duck session of Congress.  We may see passage of a bill to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline and there will have to … Continued